Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's all normal again

Life has settled down again. Good cheer has made its appearance once again. I'm returning to the land of the healthy, the snot-free; it is the lifestyle everyone envies this time of year. I can go places without a spare tissue in my purse let along the family-sized box I had been toting. Next week I could have a red nose again, but for now, I'm free to breathe and brag.

In December, a spinning wheel, a Kromski Mazurka, arrived on our front porch. I unpacked it immediately and threw the packaging all over the living room. (Much to my delight, the packing material was old Polish newspapers). The cats jumped in and out of the mess, and the husband muttered, "This would have been a good weekend project." Bah! I stayed up late to assemble the wheel, but then I had to leave it home alone while I went to work. It was very difficult to leave my new toy.

Spinning is so soothing and addictive. It reminds me of knitting in this way. I'm even wondering if knitting is a gateway hobby, a way to darker hobbies like spinning and weaving and animal husbandry. I'm not that hard core yet. I've just now gotten the wheel to keep moving in the same direction and I don't have a good place to keep a llama.

1 comment:

Lara said...

I still haven't put my wheel together! Stupid life, getting in the way.