Friday, February 8, 2008

The Flu

Warning: excessive whining, moaning and self-pity ahead

The flu has descended on my workplace. On Wednesday I was happy and skipping. On Wednesday night, I was a pathetic, shivering lump. Thursday I couldn't get warm and wore three pairs of pjs at the same time (note: this is very sexy).

I also got bored on Thursday, which my father swears is a sign that a person is well. So I went to work this morning and promptly decided I needed to come home. Unfortunately, I used up all of my energy by actually going to work and had to sit at my desk for a few hours before having the gumption to drive back home. It is really hard to be a dork.

This afternoon, if I get bored, I'm going to knit or read or watch tv.


Lara said...

I had that last week. Ick. I'm also likely to do things like getting completely ready to go somewhere and then collapsing in a heap at the insurmountable task of opening the front door, having used all my flu-defying energy to get dressed.

I'm more likely to get bored when I'm sick because I just don't have the energy to do the things I usually do.

Princessliak said...

Oh, I am such a pathetic person when I feel sick! Hope you get better soon.

J. Denae said...

If you're feeling any better at all tomorrow feel free to come over and let me baby you and Bean at the same time! I'm making 2 kinds of soup, there is apple sauce and jello and I will be making homemade macaroni and cheese for lunch!!