Sunday, August 19, 2007

Brand new and busy

Here at Casa del Sally, we have a new member of the household. Meet Norah. She's terribly busy. Her little tail waves like a flag as she trots from one project to the next. She purrs constantly and is a very cheery kitten.

Atticus isn't so sure about this nonsense, but he tolerates her. She follows him from room to room. He walks at a dignified pace while she follows him dancing a conga. Inevitably, he stops and she rear-ends him. He hisses and then they proceed about whatever cat business is at hand. Atticus has had to take more naps than usual to deal with the change of pace.


Anonymous said...

Norah is a perfect name for that kitten!

J. Denae said...

Congrats on the new family member! I agree with Lia that Norah is a great name.