Sunday, June 8, 2008


Once again, the lovely, yarny ladies from Knit in Public and Twist had a great idea. They're training for the Turkey Trot, a 5k on November 22. They've even inspired me to start training. I'm planning to stroll.

This is turning out to be lots of fun. Jackie, Shelly, Miss A, and Andie met at 8 am this morning to walk. After our walk, we adjourned to Sugar Sisters and sampled the goodies. The cheesy grits with jalapenos were very good.


Knit and Fit said...

That was so fun! See you next week

Lara said...

Good to hear a report about the walking. I *really* want to do it, but it seems so far to drive to walk, when I can walk right outside my door. Maybe the breakfast afterwards can make it seem like less of a gas-burner. It really does sound like fun.