Monday, November 19, 2007


The class on spinning yarn was so interesting, frustrating, and addictive. We used castle style wheels, and the instructor made it look so easy. She held the wool in one hand, patted it with the other, and viola! Yarn magically appeared. It was even more amazing when she plied it.

I, on the other hand, struggled to keep the wheel going. Even when the wheel did spin, it changed directions when I wasn't looking. This spinning business could take some practice. I'm intrigued and inclined to keep trying.


Lara said...

I'm so sad I couldn't go.

I bought a drop spindle and spun my first yarn. It's terrible, but it looks like yarn. There's quite the learning curve on this.

Anonymous said...

Congrats - I can't wait to see your creations!! (from princessliak)

Lanora said...

Aren't you brave to start up a new hobby! Sounds very fun.