Saturday, September 29, 2007


The first monkey sock sighting of the fall happened in my own backyard. It's a little early for the annual migration south to begin, but we've had strange weather lately; perhaps their monkey instincts are prompting them to prepare for an early winter.
I first spotted the male as he rested in the Mimosa tree. Then he fluttered down to join his mate in the spruce.
Knowing how monkeys find the sight of an uncovered human foot irresistible, I promptly flung off my sandal, laid on my back in the grass and ever so casually lifted my right foot straight into the air. The neighbors were astonished, but I knew just what to do. The male sock fluttered over and drew himself right over my foot. The female soon claimed my left foot. They appear to be made out of Crystal Palace Panda Cotton in chocolate almond.


J. Denae said...

I am impressed at your monkey handling. My monkey is about to have a mate and then they will fly to the northern part of the country for the winter. Silly monkeys.

Lanora said...

That was quite a monkey tale! They're lovely.