The real reason for my trip to the hardware store was for a spray bottle. The years and years of wallpaper and paint on my dining room walls had begun to come lose. I've been walking past the same barely attached piece of wallpaper for five years and resisting the urge to pull on it. Last night, I had to do it. I tugged and the piece came free. The paper surrounding it stayed tight to the wall. I can tell that the future holds much spritzing and scraping before I will be able to repaint. Further examination reveals that there aren't clear stopping points between the living room, dining room, hallway and entry way. Those rooms have arches between them, but no trim work that would be an obvious place to stop wallpaper removal.
Last but not least, an interesting group moved into a small shopping center near my house. They call themselves the Kalpa Bhadra Kadampa Buddhist Center, and they offer meditation classes. I'm intrigued. I'm also feeling shy. One of these days though, I'm going to wander down there and meditate with them. It's been years since I sat with the Zen group, but I'm feeling the tug toward quietness.
If you want to stop at an edge, just cut a line with an exacto knife. Even if you want to be able to just concentrate on one room at a time . . .
The corn popper looks great! We have a whirley pop that I bought brand new on a garage sale for $3. So much yummier than microwaved, way cheaper, and we use real butter.
I'll help pull wallpaper--I have to do that in our family room. Living with sprays of BLUE roses for a year and a half has reached the point where tolerence is not in my vocabulary...
The meditation sounds interesting. Where sis you say they are? I'd like to check them out. Wanna go with me?
I went to that Buddhist Center a few weeks ago for their open house. They are very nice and friendly. They have a beautiful altar. If you go, let me know and I will go with you.
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