Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thank you, The Management

At the Knitz household, things are getting wild. The baby wakes up, rubs her eyes, puts her index finger in the air and says, "Doggy!" Uncle Murphy wakes up more slowly, but pretty soon she's kissing his face and he's licking her belly. They chase the Oscar together. The cat teases them both by staying just out of reach. Norah is the only sensible creature. She stays close to me.

Baby is on the move, and it has reinvigorated the middle-aged dog. He previously spent most of his time lying on a dog bed and snoring, which was just about the perfect speed for me. Now, during dinner, he walks around the dinner table on his back legs and runs his nose along the edge of the table in hopes of finding a tidbit to swipe. He knows that this is not approved behavior and he does most of it on the opposite side of the table from me where I cannot see him. A friend told me this is called "table surfing." I call it "vexing." Baby thinks it is charming. Visitors cannot hide their amusement. Finally, I carry him off to his crate. We are both disgraced.

The problem is that I am The Man. This would be so much funnier if I weren't responsible for safety, cleanliness, and appropriate behavior. Instead I say "Uh-uh" to the dog and "No-no" to the baby and place them in situations where they can behave constructively. Being the protocol droid is a drag.

I really enjoy the times when all of us, dog, cats, and baby are sprawled on the floor in the living. We read, snooze, stack blocks, and snuggle. Knitting is out of the question. Any of the beloved culprits would steal the yarn if I show a moment of weakness, so we hang out and learn the intricacies of shape sorters and listen to Public Radio.

And before anyone gets a bright idea, please don't lick my food.

Thank you,
The Management

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2010 was all about love. I am eager to see what 2011 holds.

1) Baby -- having a baby changed my life this year. Everyone says life will change when a baby arrives, but I was completely unprepared for the overwhelming love for this little person. Discovering that family and friends wanted to share the joy makes it even more special.

2) Norah Returns -- In 2009, Uncle Murphy (a.k.a. a dog) arrived, and Norah the cat retreated to a high, dusty shelf in an unfinished portion of the basement. In 2010 she rejoined us upstairs. Uncle Murphy was overjoyed to see her. Maybe next year she will let him touch her, but I'm not holding my breath.

3) Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches -- Quick, easy, yummy. This is what sustained me in 2010, while I figured out how to do things like cook and clean while holding a baby.

4) Audiobooks -- I will never have to decide whether to knit or read again. Lovely.

5) Facebook -- Even though Facebook's ever-changing security settings give me the creepy-crawlies, friends and family seem much closer than ever.

6) Pushing Daisies -- current favorite cancelled tv show. Refrigerator is called a "cheesebox." Need I say more?

7) Crusty Brussels Sprouts -- makes a delicious veggie even better.

8) Real Life Heroines -- three friends fought and won battles against breast cancer this year, and they did it with grace and strength

9) Knitting -- I've discovered no less than 5 half-knitted socks while cleaning. Is it a previously undocumented side-effect of pregnancy? One pair of baby booties was also knitted although they vanished somewhere between Wichita and Milwaukee.

10) Cheese, of course.